This is the issue 4 of MegaReview,
a montly e-zine of entertainments, arts, people, media, recreation and more.
MegaReview is a magazine of culture and news which speaks from Florence
to all the world; for that reason we pubblish in English too. Mega Review
is connected to the world through its hypertextual structure wich links
it up with the thousand resources of the net. Good netsurfing! |
In the 4th issue of mega Review
the editorial staff of Blue Planet introduces the readers to the relationship
between body and mind, man and nature going along the most various cultural
traditions: that of American Indians, that
of Mediterranean area, that of China
e that of modern paedagogy. The editorial staff of Florence Art News devotes itself to art and, besides remembering
us the disasters that have been caused by the
flood of 1966 to Florentine art heritage, presents some of the most interesting
outstanding exhibitions: the Fashion Florence Biennial, the photos of Sander, the Matisse exhibition,
that about the Renaissance engineers and that
focused on Manierism. News about cultural florentine events, from
the vernissage of a new club-house to the award of a traditional literary prize (It), completes the November issue. |