Year I N° 2 - November 1996 Supplement to "Florence Art News" | ||||
you can do for the Earth our planet and the #1 #2 #3 #4 --> new adress | ||||
Sandro Pintus editor in chief Silvia Messeri collaborators: Hyemeyohsts (Wolf) Storm Andro Cecovini Susan Glasspool Diego Manca Marta Marini Anna Rita Mazzoli Cesare Petitti Ruth Schmid Angela Tumminelli Rosaria Vettori
page layout
photos by scanning executed by
English translations by
editorial office:
Registered at the | Let us learn to love both ourselves and the Earth Interview with Hyemeyohsts Storm
SPECIAL ISSUE: The Olive Tree, antique Symbol of the Mediterranean
- The Olive Tree, the Symbol of the Mediterranean
LINK: Astronomical Observatory of Arcetri in Florence, Italy