
This is the issue 6 and 7 of MegaReview, a montly e-zine of entertainments, arts, people, media, recreation and more. MegaReview is a magazine of culture and news which speaks from Florence to all the world; for that reason we pubblish in English too. Mega Review is connected to the world through its hypertextual structure wich links it up with the thousand resources of the net. Good netsurfing!  

The 6th and 7th issues of Mega Review contain an large section dedicated to art which ranges from the painting of this century to Mannerism, and discusses the restoration of the Perseus as well as the debate on how to recognize the authenticity of a painting. The articles are linked up with further particulars, information and unusual details concerning each particular subject. As usual you can find a special section devoted to the environment and multimedial products specializing in environmental subjects. Last but not least, you can find articles covering spare time and food, the great resources of the present day. We do however apologize for the fact that not all the articles are translated into English in this edition. We do hope that all our readers from abroad will excuse us for just this once


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