by Cesare Petitti
teacher of technical education
at the lower middle school and instructor for the CEMEA
(Centres of Practice in Methods of Active Education)
The astrolabe
An instrument for getting to know the stars
This instrument, whose invention is attributed to the Greek philosopher
Hipparch (3rd century B.C.), makes it possible to recognize the stars present
in the night sky and work out their relative direction and height. Its name
derives from the Greek and literally means "star catcher".
It is thought that Hipparch managed to list as many as 1500 stars,
establishing their distance from the Pole Star (declination) and movement
in time (ascension line). The first representation the celestial vault
was a sphere with the stars drawn on it; this was followed later by the
"armillary spheres" (a sphere created with rings). The celestial maps
on the flat (celestial planispheres), that led to the construction of
astrolabes, did not appear until some time later. The astrolabe was introduced
to the Western world by the Arabs and reached its maximum splendour during
the Renaissance. Some of the finest examples can be found in the Museum of Science in Florence.
This instrument has moreover been fundamental for navigation and was an
essential element in the great geographical discoveries. Even today, however,
this instrument is extremely useful for learning the names of the stars
and constellations.
See also: How to construct an instrument
that will teach you how to recognize the stars