This is the issue 5 of MegaReview, a montly e-zine of entertainments, arts, people, media, recreation and more. MegaReview is a magazine of culture and news which speaks from Florence to all the world; for that reason we pubblish in English too. Mega Review is connected to the world through its hypertextual structure wich links it up with the thousand resources of the net. Good netsurfing!  

The 2nd edition of Mega Review is dedicated to Mediartech, the first Multimedial festival and trade fair to be held in Florence. Florence, where Mega Review and Firenze by Net are creating a meeting point of art, history and high technology.
The 2nd edition of Mega Review talks about art again, this time about etching, together with a section on history and traditions in the Guide to Historic Florentine Businesses and Calcio Storico.
The 2nd edition also continues talking about Chernobyl (carrying on from N.1). International solidarity - which has already been put to the test in the International Appeal for the Mud Angels - has in fact become the basis of a collaboration with Lega Ambiente.

DOSSIER:Thirty years after the flood


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