Marta Marini
Herbalist and psycopedagogist
According to the person that discovered them, one of
the characteristics of the Flowers of Bach is that they cure the sick person,
not the illness, in other words, they cure the cause and not the effect.
This section is devoted to a small guide to some of the problems that some
flowers can cure. However we do advise you to consult doctors or herbalists
who work with the Flowers of Bach for more detailed information before using
the remedies. For those who suffer from fear:
negative aspects to treat
| Flower
Extreme fear, terror, panic
| Rock Rose
Anxiety about others
always expecting the worst to happen
| Red Chesnut

Agrifoglio - Ippocastano rosso
For those who are insecure:
negative aspects to treat
| Flower
Lack of confidence
| Cerato
Dissatisfaction and insecurity about
his place in life
| Wild Oat
For those who have no interest in the present:
negative aspects to treat
| Flower
Completely exhausted from
stress or mental fatigue
| Olive
Continually making the same mistakes
in life, lack of observation
| Chesnut Bud
negative aspects to treat
| Flower
Impatient, irritable, cannot bear any
interference in his private life
| Impatiens
negative aspects to treat
| Flower
Lack of faith in others, envy, hate
| Holly
Helps when there are important changes
| Walnut

Walnut - Impatiens |
Discouragement and desperation:
negative aspects to treat
| Flower
Depurative of the mind and body
for those who feel "sullied"
| Crab Apple
For all forms of shock or physical,
mental or emotional pain
| Star of Bethlehem
Fear of failure,
inferiority complex
| Larch
Excessive care for others:
negative aspects to treat
| Flower
Possessiveness, selfpity
| Chicory
Intolerance, controversy, arrogance
| Beech
See also: The meaning and significance of
the flowers of Bach
by Silvia Messeri
& Sandro Pintus