Paintings carefully carried out of the mud-filled museums and galleries, damaged furnishings, books passed delicately from hand to hand. There were so many of these hands, thousands of them, a long chain that embraced, surrounded and helped Florence at her time of trial.These were the hands of the young and not so young people who flocked here from all over Italy and the world and plunged into the mixture of mud and oil that was left in Florence when the Arno retreated to its bed. These are the hands of the "Mud angels".
Rest for some "Mud angels"
Thirty years later we are trying to get in touch with you once more. First, to thank you, yet again, for all you did at the time and then to ask you to tell us about it. Tell us all about your experiences during the flood, what effected you most and how you remember it now that thirty years have gone by, so that it will always remain in the memory of Florence, City of Art and the treasure of Mankind.You can use the FAN-Florence Art News e-mail or write to send documents and/or photographs to:
Sandro Pintus e Silvia Messeri,
via Faentina, 127 - 50134 Firenze, Italy.
FAN-Florence ART News
a cura di
Silvia Messeri & Sandro Pintus![]()
megaŠ Via Lombroso 6/5 a
50134 Firenze
fax +39 55 4620256